Help teams spend more time in flow state

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Working at Naer

Working at Naer

We share some common beliefs with our users.

First, there are always better ways of working. People who are different think better together. We need diversity in perspectives as we build our team.

Second, we don't care where people live. Be wherever. Whatever works, works.

Lastly, life is too good to spend all day in VR. Naer uses VR to help people get the most out of their time at work, so they can have more time for life. VR is the tool, not the goal.

Join the team

Andreas Ore Larssen, COO at Naer

Andreas Ore Larssen


Stig Olavsen, CTO at Naer

Stig Olavsen


Sondre Kvam, CEO at Naer

Sondre Kvam